
Our business is subject to extensive laws and regulations at the international, 联邦, 州和地方两级, and changes to such laws can significantly affect how we operate, our revenues and the costs we incur. Because of the potential impact public policy can have on our businesses, 员工, 社区和客户, we engage with policymakers in order to advance and protect the long-term interests of the Firm.

监督 & 合规

的 公共责任委员会 负责监督本所在公共责任事务上的立场和做法. 中华人民共和国每年至少一次, which is composed entirely of independent outside directors, reviews the Firm's significant policies and practices regarding political contributions, major lobbying priorities and principal trade association memberships, including their continued relevance to the Firm's public policy objectives. 本所的政策和做法符合《12bet官方》的规定.

本所的政治参与和公共政策活动由全球政府关系和公共政策(GRPP)管理。. GRPP reports to the Head of Corporate Responsibility, 谁负责GRPP的法律合规,并定期向中国报告公司的政治活动, 支出和业务. 这种组织和领导力帮助我们将公司的政治参与工作集中在与企业整体、客户和股东的长期利益最相关的公共政策问题上.

Political Contributions, Expenditures and Payments

本公司有严格的内部政策和合规流程,以确保遵守相关的法律和监管要求. We are fully committed to complying with all applicable laws regarding political contributions, 例如MSRB规则G-37, SEC规则206(4)-5, 商品期货交易委员会规则23.451, SEC规则15Fh-6, 美国金融业监管局规则2030, 以及所有的国家, state and local limits and requirements applicable to our business.


Our policies prohibit the use of corporate funds to contribute to candidates, political party committees and political action committees, 包括超级政治行动委员会和根据《12bet官网》(IRC)第527条组织的政治委员会,以促进公职候选人的选举或失败. 本公司不使用公司资金进行独立的政治支出或竞选宣传. 本所限制我们所属的行业协会和501(c)(4)组织将我们的会费用于任何此类与选举有关的活动.

本所可为支持或反对可能对本所或本所业务运营产生重大影响的州或地方投票倡议提供公司资金. 当本公司提供与投票倡议有关的资金时,我们将披露此类付款的金额和收件人, which may include a 501(c)(4) organization, 12bet官方的政治参与报告.

Employee Political Action Committees

Throughout the Firm’s history, 12bet官方 has been active in the political process. 我们相信,这种合作对于推进和保护公司和股东的长期利益至关重要. 12bet官方 & Co. 政治行动委员会(pac)完全由符合条件的雇员自愿捐款提供资金. 他们支持候选人, parties and committees whose views on specific issues are consistent with the Firm’s priorities, 并向根据IRC第527条组织的实体支付会费和选票捐款. 捐款由GRPP在两党基础上指导,而不是向竞选美国总统的候选人提供.S. 总统. 决定支持谁, GRPP prioritizes candidates who represent the communities we serve, 谁在相关委员会任职或担任领导职务,谁在对公司重要的问题上表现出支持. Issues of importance to the Firm include: banking issues; financial services policy; financial markets; the economy; small business; housing; trade; tax; inclusive and sustainable economic growth (e.g., 财务状况, 经济适用房, 劳动力, 第二次机会, responsible energy transition); diversity, 股本, 包容(e).g., racial and gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, disability rights); and military and veteran issues.

No single criterion or policy determines a candidates’ eligibility for PAC contributions. Legislators address a wide range of complex issues, and we recognize that we will not align with all positions of candidates. PAC disbursement decisions are intended to reflect areas of common interest with candidates. 的 firm looks at a broad set of issues that impact the long-term health of the economy, country and company and reviews and refreshes contribution criteria annually, with inputs from internal stakeholders. GRPP参与严格的选举周期预算流程,同时积极监测机会,使我们的捐赠与公司的组织优先事项和公司价值观保持一致.

的 Head of GRPP is responsible for administration and supervision of the PACs, 由中华人民共和国监督. 政治行动委员会的捐款由联邦选举委员会和有关的州或地方选举当局根据适用法律向其报告并公开. 的 Firm publishes a summary of PAC contributions 12bet官方的政治参与报告. 如果公司发现对公司重要的问题与政治献金的接受者之间存在实质性的不一致, the Firm will disclose the information in the annual Political Engagement Report.


Decisions regarding PAC contributions and corporate payments, including those for memberships and ballot initiatives, are made exclusively to promote the interests of the Firm, without regard for the personal political views or interests of senior management. GRPP与我们的法律部门密切合作,以确保所有PAC捐款和公司付款都符合适用法律, 公司政策和本声明.


GRPP在全球政府机构面前代表律所的政策利益,就对律所和我们的业务线具有重要意义的立法事项提供信息和观点. 在州和地方层面, GRPP主要在公司有零售业务或其他重要业务运营的州进行游说. Information about our retail locations is linked in our Political Engagement Report.

的 Firm complies with all national, state and local laws concerning lobbying registration and reporting by GRPP. 的 Firm makes quarterly lobbying filings with the U.S. 国会披露我们的游说者的联邦游说支出和他们游说的问题. GRPP’s state and local lobbying costs are disclosed where and as required by applicable law. If the Firm engages in grassroots lobbying, we will disclose such activity where and as required by law. 我们的联邦游说支出的摘要以及搜索我们的文件和游说问题的说明可在我们的政治参与报告中获得.

本所是多个行业协会的成员,这些协会倡导对本所和我们所服务的社区具有重要意义的重大公共政策问题. 本所作为这些协会成员的参与是基于我们的理解,即我们可能并不总是同意协会或其其他成员的所有立场, 我们承诺通过GRPP和与这些协会互动的公司领导适当地表达我们的担忧. A list of the Firm’s principal trade associations, along with the portion of our membership dues attributable to lobbying, is disclosed 12bet官方的政治参与报告.
